How to Create Your First Painting

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Steps How to Create Your First Painting

If you decide you want to paint, you may face the myth that talent is needed. I do not believe. The desire to learn to paint combined with enthusiasm is what you need more than anything else. You can even learn to paint without actually drawing.

Decide which color to use
The first step is to decide which color to use. The four main options are oils (traditionally water-soluble), watercolors, acrylics and pastels. It's a very personal choice: If you don't like one type of paint, be sure to try another.

Oil paintingis a traditional medium of the artist. It is a pigment mixed with oils such as flaxseed, safflower or poppy seeds, and diluted with turpentine. It should be applied to gesso-coated substrates to protect the surface - which may contain paper - from fatty acid. The oil paint dries slowly, so the paint stays wet on the palette and can be used for painting for several days, making it easier to mix. Cleaning requires solvents such as turpentine or mineral alcohol. In recent years, water-soluble oils have been introduced, which are sufficient for water to dilute paints and clean brushes.
Watercolor is another traditional medium and uses a pigment mixed with a binder made of gum arabic and additives to improve solubility and flowability. It is soluble in water, transparent and comes in the form of a tube, pan and liquid. Watercolors can be reactivated in water and re-treated after drying, even years after you have finished painting. The characteristics of the watercolor - its ease, portability and ease of cleaning - make it a very popular medium for finished work, such as sketchbooks and visual magazines.

Acrylic paintis a more modern choice - it was recently commercially available to artists in 1950. In acrylic paint, the pigment is suspended in a plastic polymer. It is especially known for its fast drying and can be used on almost any surface without a primer. It dissolves in water, which makes cleaning easier (soap and water are enough). Acrylic dried on a solid, flexible, non-waterproof surface. They are very diverse and can be used as thin as watercolors or thicker as oil paints, depending on the desired effect.
As an experienced pastel painter, you can develop your own favorite brands, but until then, a few of them will attract or at least be worth trying. John Hersey's handmade Unison pastels are ideal for beginners. With almost 400 different pastels - sold individually or as color-matched sets - you can add colors as you need. Schmincke offers the finest fine pastels: With an almost buttery texture, they blend on paper even in areas where there is already a lot of work to do. Rembrandt's fine pastels are great for working with lines and early colored layers: These are probably the best pastels to start painting.

Learn to mix colors
Newbies generally avoid mixing colors and colors (especially when it's called "color theory"), but the basics of color mixing are less complicated. Color and pigment provide so many different painting options and nuances that an artist can spend a lifetime exploring color, color theory, and color combinations. Of course, color mixing is something that can always burden beginners, as it can be complicated, but color mixing can also focus on a few basic tips.

So accept the challenge, learn and soon you will mix the right shades, tones and shades. And if you don't want to spoil the color by throwing it away, use white to create a single-color color or calculate the amount. The value is another term for a tone that indicates how light or dark the colors are. The value exercise then involves working to create lighter or darker tones in the painting. 
Restore the old product with a spray can

Steps to create a painting
The steps for creating an image vary from artist to artist and improve over time. Many artists easily draw a composition on canvas and then block the main parts of the paint across the canvas. You can start with bigger shapes and move on to smaller ones, gradually working on the details. Some artists work in layers and others work well (all at once) to complete their painting in one sitting. Artists usually study (small versions) or more sketches for the painting. There is no right or wrong way; In the end, you need to find what is best for you.

Find ideas for drawings
Some days you have more ideas than you can get; others may find you in search of inspiration. That's why a creative diary can be so useful. And don't despair if you make a "mistake" in your painting: this may be what artists call "happy misfortunes" that give something beautiful. If you're still having trouble coming up with concepts, take a fun hour or two to scan the front books to find ideas and inspiration for painting.

Safety tips
Not that rule on safety and artistic needs should be clear - bad work habits can be dangerous. For example, avoid eating sandwiches with hand paint. Know what you are using and what measures you need or want to take.
