How I Scored 99.9th Percentile on the MCAT - How to Study

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How to Study for the MCAT: In this video I go over the study strategies I used to ace the MCAT and reveal my MCAT score. These same strategies worked wonderfully for my friends and colleagues.

What's going on guys! In this video I want to talk to you about big picture study strategies for the MCAT. So you don't need me to tell you that the MCAT is one of the most important factors determining your online CV writing help for UK success in gaining acceptance to medical school. I’m going to share with you the same strategies that got me a top score. Here's my score report, it says 100th percentile but that's because they rounded up. I think it's supposed to actually be 99.9th percentile. This score I got which is 40 is equivalent to approximately 523 and above on the new MCAT based on online conversions and percentiles that are available.

Now, this score is for the old MCAT and before they revised it but these strategies will absolutely translate into the new MCAT just as effectively. So, in this video I'm going to be trying a new format, we're going to be using animations to spice things up a little bit. I would love to hear what you guys think, leave a comment below. So first; when should you take the test? One of the most important factors for your success will be timing, both of study time and your test date. So, your Letter writing online help in UK study time should immediately precede your test day. There's no point studying in the summer and then taking the test in winter break. So first for timing; don't wait too long after you finish your core courses and prerequisites to study for the MCAT. Prolonging that gap will result in you for getting key information. While you can relearn this information is just wasted energy. The name of the game is efficiency. Now for me I studied between sophomore and junior year during the summer. This was best for me but see what works best for you and your schedule. Timing Don’t wait too long after you finish your core courses and pre-requisites to study for the MCAT. Prolonging the gap will resulting in you forgetting key information.

You can relearn this, but that means wasted energy. The name of the game is efficiency. I studied between sophomore and junior year during the summer. This was best for me, but see what works best for you and your schedule. Now as for duration, I recommend you set aside between two and two and a half months of dedicated study time. I personally spent two and a half months. During the first month I was doing a prep course while also working 10 to 20 hours per week in a research lab. During the second month I wrapped up the prep course and I focused all my energy on studying. I was no longer doing research or any classes in that last month leading up to the test. Next; study smarter not harder. I go over the details on how to spend your study time efficiently and not to burn out in some other videos, I'll place the links down on the description below, so make sure you pace yourself. Studying for the MCAT is a marathon not a sprint. Part of the reason I decided to do 10-20 hours of research per week at my first month was to ease into the intensity of studying. This helped break the monotony while maintaining productivity in my other endeavors. Now, the number of hours I studied per week slowly increased as I got closer to the test.

Your stamina and ability to focus will improve with time if you pace yourself properly. If you jump in at 100% intensity from the get-go, you're more likely to have it backfire and lead to a quick burnout. But at the same time, be careful and don't use this as an excuse to only study for a couple hours a day. You want to be putting in the work but also maintaining both your physical and mental health. Next; setup a optimal environment. First, do you like to study solo or in groups? As I mentioned in some other videos, I don't think that larger groups than 3 with yourself included are a good use of time. After 3 people you begin to receive diminishing returns in your study efforts. I started with two roommates who did the same prep course as me and they also set high goals using so much study strategies, they both did well scoring in the 90 to 95th percentile range. Since we were all studying together for the same tests around the same date, we were in the same boat. We kept each other's motivation up, we help each other focus and since we were all inherently competitive to a certain degree, we were wanted to do better than one another and improve on ourselves of course in a healthy way, definitely not sabotaging each other but instead learning from each other and sharing tips and trying to improve each other as well as ourselves.
