Why Do We Celebrate Buddha Purnima

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Buddha Purnima is celebrated annually on the full moon day of the Hindu month of Vaishya to celebrate the birthday of the Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, the Buddha.

 The birthplace of Siddhartha Gautama is believed to be Nepal, and Buddha Purnima is celebrated on the full moon day of the month of Vishnu. Buddha Purnima marked the birth, enlightenment, and death of Sakyamuni Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, Sakyamuni Buddha, and is warmly celebrated by Buddhist sects. In much of East Asia, Purnima Buddha is celebrated to commemorate the birth of Sakyamuni Buddha.


Vesak or Vesak is the day of the full moon in May, this year on May 19 (dates may vary by region) - a very important day for Buddhists who celebrate Shakyamuni The Birth, Enlightenment, and Nirvana of the Buddha. The Gregorian dates change every year, and the Buddhist festival of Purnima or Vesak falls on the full moon day (April or May) of the Hindu Patriarchal month, Vesak is India's official holiday newspaper. In South and Southeast Asia, the Buddha's birthday is celebrated on the full moon day of the Buddhist calendar Vasakha and the Hindu Bikram Sambat, usually in April or May in the Western Gregorian calendar. In present-day India and Nepal, where Prince Gautama lives, the Buddha's birthday is celebrated on the full moon day of Vishnu in the Buddhist calendar.


In most Japanese temples, the Buddha's birthday is now celebrated in the Gregorian and Buddhist calendars on April 8; only a few (mainly in Okinawa) celebrate it according to the Chinese Orthodox calendar on the eighth day of the fourth lunar month. This day is celebrated by Buddhists and Hindus around the world and is an important holiday in countries such as India, modern Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, Thailand, Tibet, China, Korea, Laos, Vietnam, Mongolia, Cambodia, Singapore, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka ( where Jayanti Buddha or Purnima Buddha is called Vesak), however, each country celebrates the festival differently. On May 26, 2021, according to the lunar calendar followed by religions of Indian origin, Vesak (Buddha Purnima, Buddha Jayanti) will be celebrated - a Buddhist holiday that marks birth, enlightenment, and death of Gautama Buddha. Although Buddhists regard every full moon as sacred, the moon of Vaisakh has a special significance because on this day the Buddha was born, attained enlightenment (nirvana), and attained parinirvana (nirvana after the death of the body) when he died.


Teachings Of Gautam Buddha

The word Buddha refers to the Awakened One. It comes directly from the Sanskrit word Budh which means 'wake'. He is a person who has awakened fully and completely, as if he had an insomniac sleep, only to find that his suffering, just like a dream ended. The ancient Buddha was, however, a man as any other but a different one. What he found was the way in which anyone can walk if they're willing.

The ancient Buddha Gautama was not the first Buddha. There were other people who had followed his path before Gautama. He wasn't a god, prophet, or any other supernatural being. It was as we've observed, a man who was born lived and then died in the form of a human being. A human being of extraordinary stature who found a method to attain genuine wisdom, compassion and liberation from suffering. He found an ancient path to a city of the past that was neglected and covered up. Through his own efforts, he found a way to escape suffering to freedom, and the ones who have since followed have kept that route open.

The Buddha did not believe that God has created the Universe. He pointed out a vast Law or Dharma which runs through all that exists. It is only by adhering to this Law that Wisdom and Compassion, and consequently freedom from suffering can be attained. The process of overcoming suffering is but only after having to confront it and live through it. The Buddha's words are "Suffering, I teach, and the path to get rid of suffering.'



The Enlightened Gautama Buddha is the founder of Buddhism, a faith founded in India more than 2,500 years ago and one of the world's major religions. On the full moon of May, with the rising of the morning star, Siddhartha Gautama became the Buddha, the enlightened one.


Gautama Buddha's teachings were based on his intuitions about suffering and its cessation, and included meditative practices such as jhana and mindfulness. The Buddha spent the rest of his life traveling around India, teaching others what he himself understood. During the rest of the Buddha years, he traveled around preaching the Dharma (the name given to his teaching), trying to lead others along the path of enlightenment.


To them and to the other congregation, the Buddha preached his first sermon (hereinafter known as "Setting the Wheel of Dharma in Motion"), in which he explained the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, which have become the pillars of Buddhism. At the end of the rainy season, when the Buddhist community had grown to about sixty awakened monks, Gautama Buddha ordered them to wander alone, teach and initiate people into the community for the "welfare and benefit" of the world.


In this second sense, Dharma is historically the teachings produced by the Buddha's enlightenment and taught by him in his first sermon at Sarnath. The sermons and teachings of the Buddha point out the true nature of the universe and are known in Buddhism as Dharma. Whereas the Prajna Sutra is the source of the Mahayana or Mahayana Buddhism, in which historical Buddhas explain how to achieve full enlightenment or Buddhahood for the benefit of others; in Theravada teachings, Buddhas explain how to liberate oneself from suffering.


Upon reaching enlightenment, the Buddha gave his first sermon, telling his disciples about suffering and how to avoid it. Although the ultimate goal of these teachings of the Buddha is therefore to help people achieve a good life, his analysis of the source of suffering includes statements about the nature of people, as well as how we acquire knowledge about the world and our place. in that. Because of this point of view (called anatta), the teachings of Gautama Buddha contradicted all the theories of the soul of his time, including the Jain theory of "jiva" ("monad of life") and Brahminical theories. atman and purusha.


Buddhist devotees celebrate the birth of Shakyamuni Buddha as Buddha Purnima, also known as Buddha Jayanti and Vaishahpur Nyima,






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