Coach Web site SEO - Terrific Title Tags

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When someone performs a search, they are provided with a list of results to choose from. This list uses your page titles to display to the person doing the search. If your page title doesn’t grab attention, it won’t be clicked on.

If you are new to search engine optimization and want to boost traffic to your web site, writing good Title Tags is a great place to start.

Many coaching web sites lack good page titles. They are often completely ignored during the design process or just poorly written.
This causes two main problems:

Firstly, a poorly written title won't get many clicks.
Here's what happens ...

When someone performs a search, they are provided with a list of results to choose from. This list uses your page titles to display to the person doing the search. If your page title doesn't grab attention, it won't be clicked on.

It's like writing a great book on how to catch fish, but giving it a crumby title of "A Fishing Book." It will easily get passed up in favor of the book next to it titled, "How to Catching A Lot of Fish - Easily"

The second problem is lower search engine rankings.

Generally speaking, if your page titles don't contain keywords that people are searching for, then your pages will have a lower ranking than if your title did have those keywords.

So you will want to make sure you write good titles for your web site page to both increase your rankings and to attract people to click to your web site.

So, where do I find the page title?

It can be found in the html source code, towards the top of the page, (with the word title before and after the title text).

So, how do you write good title tags?

The two biggest things to keep in mind when writing your titles are:

1. Include your keywords in your title. Search engines use the words in the title tag to identify what your web page is about. Including your keywords in the title tag will improve its ranking in search engines.

2. Make your title attention-grabbing. As mentioned before, search engines use page titles when displaying results. If you make it attention-grabbing, it can win more clicks and bring more traffic to your web site.

Here's more advice on writing attractive, keyword rich title tags:
Include your keywords towards the beginning of the title. This gives those keywords more prominence.

* Avoid filler-words. Words like "the," "a," and "and" just take up space and don't help your ranking.

* Use your name, your patented coaching process, book title or other well-known trademark in the title tags of the pages in which they are mentioned.

* Don't put "John Smith - Business Coach." This won't grab attention as much as something like "Business Coach - Grow your business 200%."
Use about eight words. This is the amount that is visible in search engine result pages.

* Write titles that draw attention. Some techniques include: using keywords that people are searching on, using problem statements, benefit statements.

* Be sure your titles accurately reflect what is on the page. Misleading titles disappoint users and search engines may penalize your site.

* Don't overstuff your page title with keywords. It makes for a bad looking title in search listings and puts your page at risk for search engine penalties.

* Don't keep the same title tag across multiple pages. This implies the pages are of the same content and they really aren't - a minus in the eyes of search engines.

Here's an example of a title tag for the home page of a career coach web site:

"Career Coach for Accountants and Lawyers - Increase Your Earnings"

You can see that this title includes a benefit statement, relevant keywords, and the target audience's name - good for rankings and good for getting attention.

In conclusion, make your title keyword-rich for search engines and attention-grabbing for searchers. It's an easy way to boost your search engine visibility and bring more visitors to your web site - more possible clients!

