I experienced a big tear on my sex dolls

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I wonder if anyone has experienced a tear on sex dolls using TPE glue. What was the result? This is the standard method for TPE newbies to repair and safely use "TPE glue".

Please close firmly. Open the cabinet and insert the "TPE glue" to the bottom. Place many other items before the "TPE glue". Close the door and forget everything.

"TPE adhesive" is not an adhesive. It is a very strong solvent and will make the tear 10 times worse if used on a deep or compressed TPE tear. Please use another method. It is difficult to find a way to use TPE adhesive, and neither hot welding nor cold welding is superior. I also want to add that I recently had some experience with cold welding. Although much better than TPE glue (recommended), it has the same properties as glue and can cause similar problems.

I cut a point with cold welding, but the result was a bit poor. Indeed, this is my own responsibility. But no matter which method you end up using, please read as much as you can. Practice in an inconspicuous place first. Better yet, before going through with the procedure, order a test sample of the pregnancy sex dolls from your supplier and work on it first until your wife is satisfied.

Suppliers Get Traditional TPE Love Doll Glue

Traditional TPE sex dolls get "glue" from manufacturers and most suppliers, which is really bad. Can cause small damage in a small area. Clean the surface first, then apply a small amount along the hole with a toothpick, close immediately and leave it on for a few minutes. TPE will melt, so using too much will make the damage worse.

So if you already have one, this is the only way to go. However, it will not help with large damage. For this, use the recommended cold welding materials listed above. Can anyone give me some advice? I bought this powder from a doll website that is said to make the skin of the celebrity sex doll smoother. Does anyone know how it works?

There is only about 100 grams at the bottom, is it used all at once or only a portion? I prefer to use a large makeup brush to apply as evenly as possible. The difference in smoothness is like night and day. This greatly reduces the stickiness of the skin, prevents damage from friction, keeps dirt from sticking to the sex dolls in sex doll storage case, makes it easier to put clothes on, and makes the doll's skin less shiny/fake during pregnancy.

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