Improving your Targeted Keywords List

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This article illustrates the importance of building and expanding the keyword list.

Most Webmasters only think of their main keywords when the term, 'targeted keywords' come into their mind. More often than not, we only target our main keywords and forgetting the importance of the other long tail keywords. This is a major mistake that I have realized.

Every Webmasters should have a list of the targeted keywords for their sites and keep expanding this list when they have done optimizing for a specific terms. There are several advantages for doing this. The greatest benefit is that we can concentrate on less competitive keywords since they are much broader and more specific. It is definitely much harder to optimize for 'SEO services' than for 'Affordable SEO Services'.

There are two ways we can go about to increase and expand our existing targeted keywords list. One is to increase its depth, while the other is the breadth.

To increase our current keywords depth, we can examine the Search Engine auto-complete feature. For example, you will see other suggestions offered by Google if you were to key in 'earn money ' into the search box. The suggested options include 'earn money online' and 'earn money quickly'. These are keywords that you can target and it builds more depth into our current list.

Another great example of improving the depth of your keyword list is to use the online keywords tool such as the Overture and Free Wordtracker tool. These tools help really by providing other related searches that help the Webmasters to further expand their keywords.

In terms of expanding the breadth of the keyword list, we must constantly check out our visitor logs and incoming links to analyze what are the keywords that constantly brings in traffic. You will be surprised at times to find out that some unexpected keywords are actually the major source for your traffic. Cpanel provides a very comprehensive list of referring keywords and it is highly advisable to check our the logs provided by them.

To conclude, it is very important to target on new set of keywords from time to time as this will also help you to attract a new crowd. Focusing on much specific keywords from the start also make your optimization effort much easier.

