Writing articles and marketing them via free article directories is one of the best, as well as most cost effective ways of getting more publicity for your website, products, and services.
The Internet has a non-stop appetite for content and articles written by people like you. There's tons of websites and newsletters that need articles daily. If your article happens to get used, you get instant publicity and credibility.
The articles that do the best are ones that provide good, useful information. Maybe it solves a problem, or offers resourceful tips of some kind. These are often the kinds of articles that get the most reads, and will get picked up by other webmasters. Some expert marketers will tell you not to give away all the secrets, though, else the reader would have no reason for going back to your website.
Make sure you get the most out of your article by effectively utilizing the 50 word resource box. Tie in the benefits for visiting your website so visitors will be more inclined to reward you with a visit.
You'll notice an increase in traffic after your articles are submitted, posted, and people start to read them. Plus, your submitted articles not only give your website valuable backlinks, but you'll also reap more long-term rewards if any of your articles get picked up by other webmasters.
When various search engine spiders crawl your submitted articles, they will also visit the links in your resource boxes. The more search engine visits, the better. The spiders will start indexing your site and pages within it, which will eventually lead to increased organic search engine traffic. The traffic of this kind is the most valuable, as the visitors are highly relevant to your websites topic.
Article directory submissions are also known to increase your websites pagerank. The links at the end of the article will help to boost your overall link count, and thus give your site a higher pagerank. A higher pagerank can lead to increased visits from Google - which is always a good thing as it is the currently the most dominate search engine player online today.
As you can see, there's more than one benefit to article marketing. By using article marketing to promote your web presence online, it won't take money to make money any longer. With the only real cost being your time, the price will definitly fit into your budget.
Make use of free web directories, they are there to be used. As long as you submit decent, relevant articles, they will reward you with the backlinks and free publicity that you need.