Why should you connect Trezor wallet to MetaMask?
Now, if you are wondering why should you connect your hardware wallet with that of MetaMask, then you should note the following:
- Allows you to check your balance easily
- Initiate and sign transactions and messages
- Lets you connect to Web3 which cannot be done directly by the Trezor device
- Boost the transaction speed
Connecting the two wallets together
By following these easy steps, you would be able to sync the two wallet services:
- Launch MetaMask and unlock it
- Now, you need to click on the avatar icon at the top
- Followed by this, click on the "Connect to hardware wallet" option
- Choose Trezor wallet from the given list
- And then, click the "Connect" option
- Select one of the MetaMask accounts to proceed
Follow the remaining prompts as displayed on your screen. Similarly, you can also connect your MetaMask wallet with that of the Ledger wallet by following a similar set of instructions as given above.
The procedure that is given above clearly explains how you can connect your Trezor wallet with MetaMask which is one of the widely used Ethereum wallets. Just make sure that you have access to your Trezor device and that you know the credentials to unlock it. Once you connect the two wallets together, you will be able to achieve all of the functionalities explained in the section above.