As Google gets fatter there is more to love. I do.

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What Google did for Christmas? In short: Twain news on the same day simply melting the ice. Vacuum discovered.

What Google did for Christmas? In short: Twain news on the same day simply melting the ice. Vacuum discovered.

Their new services spur others in turn, their sympathies can affect some huge increase. Finally, wealth is spreading, from young billionaires to you and to a baby boomer like me.

A few days ago, I ran into an article about them that claims they build a safe net for themselves, and all of us to use. How does one figure? Google silently buy left-over fiber optics at the lowest prices. Something nice for the future…

Yesterday, I went to Mozilla Firefox to get a referral button for my upcoming ezine. Have been using Firefox after a 2-week spy and worm attack back in June. At that time, my desktop had been invisible from pop-up windows and the volume muted for virus alert sirens and my poor computer could not breathe using IE.... Then I ran into Kaspersky, but that luck only lasted for 30 days as well; they wanted $70... Since free Firefox NOTHING not one single intruder. I have peace. IE now sits and ruts…, while the FF plug-ins make beautiful music.

So, I go get the button, and what do I read? They, Google, now not only have a referral system for adsense with neat little buttons, but they will take Firefox under their wings with something like ‘Google recommends Firefox’. I am touched! It’s the best thing to happen for us, for these guys operate in a speed that suits me, compared with MS. They’re livin’.

But, listen to this, on the SAME DAY, yes, yesterday, I get this article from Jim Edwards of named ”Google's Next Step: Are Print Mail Order Catalogs Dead?”

He describes how any respectable US print catalog is being listed and the graphics of each page shown in their catalog database for free, and permanently. Google even update it manually. My favorite feature is that your objects on scanned print pages will be linked to their twins on your site.

I’d call that traffic. Yep, the top quality traffic is free. Been saying that.

So, last night, I stayed up, had to anyway, because I was on a watch. Uploading my large files to, when ms automatic XP update suddenly wanted to restart the computer. Took me a while to find the way to switch that off.

Don’t you envy the life of those, who spend their days in a dialogue with heartwarming Microsoft-warez. Have we created a monster buying Bill’s stuff? My day swishes by enduring Frontpage crashes and Word peculiarities I may never get used to, and yet I somehow am.

No, that’s not the reason why I wrote this. What I wanted to say is:

“Get your print catalog to Google in time for Christmas.” US only.

1- Download this Free: (Demo-limited to 10)
2- Upload your Files Here and pay very little: (Very little! Minimum 25 Catalogs)
3- Go to and get the mailing address.

I give you 10 days.

So, then I think, what about the guys from Australia, New Zealand, England, Canada, South Africa, India?

Easy, last night I stayed up and made a site to let them in on it. Maybe you would like to do it, too; Get a permanent spot on Google’s new catalog beta site, I mean.

Come look. Gotta be subscribed.

