Free High Quality Traffic - Just Press Submit

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Imagine getting free high quality, targeted traffic to your website. How much would that be worth to you? What if you could get it for free?! Sound too good to be true? Its easy, and its free!

Imagine getting free high quality, targeted traffic to your website. How much would that be worth to you? What if you could get it for free?! Sound too good to be true? Its easy, and its free!

Imagine being able to promote your website, establish credibility and build a solid customer base just by pressing submit! You can get free publicity by writing articles that publishers can post in their newsletters or post on their website. By submitting your content to article directories, you can potentially reach tens of thousands of Internet users. If your article is good enough, you may find out that it gets published in an e-zine that is read by millions of subscribers across their network. How much would you pay for that kind of exposure? The good news, is that you don't have to.

The key to finding success in article submission starts with and ends with your content. Not surprisingly, if your article is well written, and compelling, with an attractive call to action, you will get the results you are looking for.

Here are a couple of tips for you:

a) Keep the articles short. The average attention span of most internet users is short. If you write a long expose on your product, you're likely to lose their interest. Keep the article to approximately 750 - 1000 words. If they are interested, your resource box will direct them to your site, where they can learn more.

b) Keep the article focused. Focus in on one tip or solution. Sell the reader on the idea that you can provide them with answers they are looking for. This will get them interested in visiting your site to see what other tidbits of information your site provides.

c) Keep It Simple. While you may be well versed in your product and solutions, you want to attract a wider range of potential customers. By keeping the article in simple terms, you can attract both the experienced and the novice to your solutions. Speak from your experience, which builds credibility with your reader.

d) Don't gain the credibility and integrity you have built with the reader, only to lose it with grammatical and spelling errors. Have someone proof read your article.

e) Avoid selling. You have a website for that. Provide advice that has value based on your experience. This will entice the reader to go to your site to learn more. Avoid using affiliate codes within the body of your site, since this will make your advice look biased. Also, publishers want quality content. Sell them on the fact that you can provide solutions to their problems, not to the product you are pitching. Let your website do that when they visit you.

f) Work just as hard on your resource box as the rest of your article. Your resource box provides your chance to invite them to your site, which is how you will get instant, high quality, targeted traffic. Keep it to a maximum of 6 lines. Remember to link your keyword to your site. This will help improve your search engine rankings for that key phrase.

g) Before you submit: Follow the publishers guidelines. If you don't follow the guidelines, its likely that you will find that your article will be deleted and an opportunity lost.

h) Use an attention grabbing headline. Like a sign in a store front that catches your eye, if you use an attention grabbing title, the reader will instantly want to know more.

There are several websites that will publish your articles. Go to Google and type in the words 'submit and article + your area of interest'. You may also want to consider purchasing Article Announcer which will help to automate this process. While it may appear expensive, this software package is worth it if you plan on submitting several articles to ezine directories.

